Welcome to BusyGalTips! With a background in social work, I thrive on helping others improve their lives! This is a creative way for me to live out my passion and share ways to make your busy life a little bit more manageable. ••••••••••••• Additional bonus tips can be found on Twitter and Facebook (click the links on the left). Enjoy!


Lifesaver from Blisters for Busygals

Image courtesy of thebudgetfashionista.com
I carry a Band-Aid Blister Block stick in my purse with me EVERYWHERE. Why's that, you ask? Well...do you ever have a pair of flats or heels that maybe you've even had for awhile and never had a problem with, and all of a sudden one day, out of the blue, they give you crazy blisters? I can't imagine I'm alone on this one...I have! Or have you ever purchased a new pair of shoes, without time to break them in, only to have them torture your feet for the day? Now Busygals don't have to endure the pain! 

I discovered this AMAZING blister preventer at CVS Pharmacy. This blister block is simple to use, it's invisible, and it has saved my feet from blisters numerous times!! It is well-worth the price (about $7), trust me...your feet will thank you!

Look cute in those heels and save yourself from blisters, Busygals!


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