Isn't it annoying when you only need a teaspoon of a spice for a recipe and it costs $5?
If you know anything about me by now, you know that I LOVE a good deal and saving money (some would say I'm frugal...I say I don't like getting ripped off and taken advantage of ;)...tomato, tomahto...)
Anyway, once again, the 99¢ Only store's got your back! They offer many spices guessed it...99¢! While they don't have every spice in the store, they do have quite a good selection! Next time you're there, check it out and save a few bucks!

Carly, Carly, Carly thanks for the post. People need to know they can catch a break. 99 thanks....
Of course, Jo Layne! Hope 99¢ Only's blog is going great!!!
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