Welcome to BusyGalTips! With a background in social work, I thrive on helping others improve their lives! This is a creative way for me to live out my passion and share ways to make your busy life a little bit more manageable. ••••••••••••• Additional bonus tips can be found on Twitter and Facebook (click the links on the left). Enjoy!


Low-Fat Lunch on the Go for Busygals

When I'm working (hopefully that will be very soon again, since I've been rocking my power suit at my recent interviews), I don't want to go out to lunch every day. It's expensive and I tend to eat less healthy, but as a Busygal, many days I don't have time to make a lunch to bring with me. Have no fear, Busygals, Trader Joe's has your back!

Image courtesy of chefmarkgarcia.com
Next time you're in your local Trader Joe's, check out the frozen section and keep an eye out for their Reduced Guilt items. They have a delicious pasta marinara dish and a couscous dish with vegetables. I have eaten both multiple times, and they are satisfying, filling, healthy, and a reasonable price. Healthy, filling, fast, and budget-friendly...what more could a Busygal want?! Except...maybe some low-fat brownies?

Fear not, Trader Joe's has got you covered there, too! If you crave chocolate like I do after a meal, try out Trader Joe's Reduced Guilt brownies! You can make a whole pan in the oven, or individual servings in the microwave. All you need is a box of the mix, and non-fat vanilla yogurt...that's it! Simple, delicious, and low-fat!

Bon Appétit, Busygals!


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