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Straighten Up, Busygals! Hai Flat Iron

Image courtesy of stylusco.onsugar.com
I discovered the Hai Convertable Ceramic Flat Iron from my hairstylist a couple of years ago, and it worked amazingly when she was using it on my hair! I asked her about it, and she said they sold them right there in the salon...for $160. My hopes were dashed...I was not about to fork over that much money for a straightener! Puuhhleeeaase! 

However, I couldn't get that straightener out of my head (nor could I stop looking at my beautifully smooth hair)! I had to have one! I did a quick little online search, and within a few minutes found the same flat iron for a THIRD of the price!!! YES!!! I immediately purchased it and have been loving it ever since.

Click here for a current link I found on Amazon - you might want to do a little more searching, but this is the best deal I found.

No more frizzy hair, Busygals, enjoy!


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