Welcome to BusyGalTips! With a background in social work, I thrive on helping others improve their lives! This is a creative way for me to live out my passion and share ways to make your busy life a little bit more manageable. ••••••••••••• Additional bonus tips can be found on Twitter and Facebook (click the links on the left). Enjoy!


Freshen up those feet, busygals!

As a Busygal, running around all day from one event to the next, flats can be a great way to go to save your feet. But...wearing flats barefoot can cause some unwanted foot issues, if ya know what I mean. 

I made an amazing discovery that has saved my feet, and will save yours too!

Image courtesy of kiwifreshins.com
Kiwi makes some amazing shoe inserts called Fresh'ins that will make wearing flats much more pleasant. For some odd reason, you will not find these shoe inserts where all of the other shoe inserts are located. At every Rite Aid I've visited, Kiwi products have been in their own special little section. So when you head to your local Rite Aid, save yourself some time by asking the salesperson where they carry their Kiwi products. 

Save your feet, Busygals!


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